Tuesday, September 1, 2009

just another dance

worst comes the worst, my peoples come first. however far we reach in this day in age, we still flip back to the same page when were with our connects in the long lost days. lost figures try to wage war with us out of the dark, but their bark is just another trait i got tamed. goalies out here guarding their prize, free yourself and share the wealth because its nothing but an ultimate compliment that they want to entice. make mazes, create ages, develop tastes in your own kinetic pages. start with your roots, keep digging deep, build that foundation that you ultimately need to seek to keep your own mental fleet. its not cheap, its not easy, and who said that the whole things gonna be a snap or a sinch? a grinch isn't going to taunt us, flinches unnecessary, i bury the fear if i ever carry.